Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caleb... This is What a Miracle Looks Like

When you pray without doubting, a miracle will come. If you have wholehearted faith your miracle will come. Six montha ago God gave me a vision of this longed for child. My vision was so clear I knew the color of his hair, his sex, the color of his skin, the time of the year he would come and the little standup curls on the top of his head. I asked God to bless this child, keep him safe until the time for him to come, and send the Angels to guard him until he reached safe harbor.

When he came he was exactly as I saw in the vision. He came on time. He knew all of us. God did one better because when this baby came he knew us. Oh yes, the angels were with this child since his birth, guarding and protecting him. His name is Caleb...another message from God. Caleb means wholehearted faith. Caleb was one of the two spies who followed Moses from Egypt that believed wholeheartedly that God's promises were true. God sent us a message from Caleb of old to remind us to never doubt, but maintain wholehearted faith.

How much God must have loved Caleb of old. Wouldn't it be wonderful for God to love you so much that he used you as a landmark to someone in need? What a wonderful thing...to be beloved and remembered by God.

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